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Ardmore Depot Park

About This Project

The Mercy Train has a storied history in Ardmore. In 1915, an explosion at Ardmore’s downtown train station killed 43 people and injured scores more, destroying most of downtown. Engine #1108, later known as the Mercy Train, brought aid workers from north Texas to Ardmore to help in recovery efforts. The Mercy Train eventually ended up at the Hardy Murphy Coliseum in Ardmore over fifty years ago, and its condition slowly deteriorated. But now, as the first phase of the Ardmore Depot Park, the Mercy Train has been re-painted and relocated to the downtown train depot, where it first arrived in Ardmore over 100 years ago. The relocated Mercy Train serves as the anchor for the exciting development that will follow at Depot Park.

Services Provided

Master Plan, Conceptual Design, Construction Documents, Construction Phase Services


Ardmore, Oklahoma


Ardmore Main Street Authority


Phase 1 (Train Relocation) Complete, 2017
